People's stories and emotions have always been at the heart of my life. Through being a journalist, an author, a mother and a woman, I understand how easily we can become our own worst enemy in a world that dictates what purpose and joy means.
Today, through life-coaching and writing, I help people create the life they want, empower their story and gain that clarity and motivation that they need to continue their journey.

My whole life journey has been about stories. The ones I read obsessively from a very young age and the ones I was surrounded with. It was everywhere around me. Coming from a blend between an American father, a French mother, and many immigrants from around the world, I was always exposed to an array of colorful people, with their dramas, secrets, wars and adventures, trying to make sense of everything that was shared with me. People seemed to like telling me things and I loved to listen. What we shared, the connection through the story helped me become a better human being and taught me how to embrace emotions. Today I understand that it was one of my gifts and it was going to shape my whole existence.
We travelled a lot, going from London where I was born to many countries in the world until we settled in France, Normandy where I decided to eventually become a journalist. It made sense after all: there were so many people with so many great stories to tell that I was going to share them.
Unfortunately, I soon realized that the story outside the article was far more interesting, than the one I was supposed to write about. I was all about people and their emotions, about the journeys of the heart, about finding the truth of oneself and the meaning to our destiny, so I soon became frustrated with the whole process. I needed something new so I decided to move to Canada to spice things up.
Love was waiting for me there, so my own story was taking shape. I worked as a PR for a celebrity, using my words and skills to help her shape her own story and career, got married, had 3 lovely children and ticked all the boxes I was supposed to. I was happy but I felt I still had so much to give. Surely this couldn't be it ?Little did I know that it was just the beginning for me, my journey to become the woman I was meant to be. Yes, for us women life definitely begins after 40...
Motherhood was magical but also rough and sometimes lonely, so I started writing stories and novels, rekindling with the imaginary world of emotions that I loved so much. And it seems that I was good at it. My first novel Les Crèvecoeur, got published in 2014 by a French publisher as a family saga in 2 books. The saga was in the process of being translated and my dream of becoming an author was finally happening. I had it all, living the dream, having a wonderful life, job, home, children, love. Then I lost my publisher while I was writing my new book. I continued writing but somehow, I felt empty. Everything I was doing had become hard, vain, lonely and something was missing, an essential piece to the puzzle of my happiness : connection.
That's when I came across a life coach, a fantastic woman that helped me look at the whole picture, make sense of it all and embrace my story for what it was, shedding all the fears that were holding me back. She was a life coach and I discovered that magical tool that empowered people and helped them become who they truly were. Exactly the way it was when I was a child and people spoke to me. Exactly the way I felt when I wrote stories to help my readers make better sense of life.
Becoming a coach felt like a natural move, the perfect vehicle to combine my skills and my understanding of emotional intelligence to help others create a life of fulfillment, joy and purpose. Today, I write stories, I help others to shape the life they want and I empower those who still feel stuck in a story that is not theirs.
And the best part is that the story is yet to be continued...
Fiction is an extraordinary way to live other lives and better question our own.
By enabling us to be carried away by a story, forget where we are and live a sort of out of body experience with a character, we can better understand our own journey and emotions.
Coaching and writing fiction work hand in hand amazingly well.
It has helped me deeply understand the beauty of human emotions to better assit people in navigate them.
All books are currently being translated in English and are therefore only available in French for the moment.
If you want to find more about the novels and their unique world :

(BOOK 1)
One destiny, one obsession and too many secrets.
Germain Crèvecœur, one of the greatest women shoe creators of the 20th century has just been found dead. He seems to have bequeathed all of his belongings to a mysterious son no one knows about, and that includes a strange house with walls covered with female shoes and letters in which the dead man reveals the story of his life as well as his darkest secrets.
Stuck between the overwhelming love of his mother Edith and the crazy fetichism of his father the shoemaker, Germain grows up at the beginning of the 1920s in Normandy, very much aware of how different and sensitive to feminine beauty he is. Family dramas and haunting secrets will scar his story but will also inspire his incredible creativity and throw him into a lifetime quest : trying to heal his heart through reinventing women's shoes.
Passion, History, secrets and obsessions are at the heart of this family saga that celebrates women's beauty and search for independence and happiness.
Édith et Romain is the first book of this two part family and historical saga.

(BOOK 2)
One destiny, one obsession and too many secrets.
History and war will shape up once again Germain's destiny and shift his passion for women's shoes. He is taken hostage during the war between the French and the German and has to serve the ennemy with his talent and creativity, while compromising his beliefs. Being a héros is not always easy when it comes to saving your freedom and life but thanks to his everlasting creativity, Germain will reinvent himself again and find his way to women's hearts and soles. Treason, lost and found forbidden loves, secrets and quest for happiness will continue to scar and inspire Germain's incredible destiny. Until one fateful day, when something found at the bottom of a box will shatter his existence one last time.
Passion, History, secrets and an obsession for shoes are at the heart of this family saga that celebrates women's beauty, independence and eternal search for belonging.
Germain and Raphaël is the last second book of this family and historical saga.

“ As is a tale, so is life: not how long it is but how good it is, is what matters. ”